History Hadrian's Wall The Regina Tombstone Cities Economy

Roman Britian

Segment of Hadrian's Wall

What is This About?

When most people think of the Roman Empire, they primarially only think of the Mediterranian world. While it is true that the empire was predominatly Mediterranian, the Romans expanded their empire to lesser known areas. They conquered

What You'll Find On Each Page:


A timeline displaying the history of Roman Britain from early forays to the end of its use to the empire. Following this will be a discussion of some of the more important events throughout its history.

Hadrian's Wall

A overview of Hadrian's Wall, a stone wall that spanned across a large portion of northern Britain to keep invaders out, discussing its history. This page also contains a ethical analysis of the core concept of building a wall like this for its intended purpose of keeping 'the savages' away from 'the civil'.

The Regina Tombstone

A overview of the Regina Tombstone, the grave of a freed British servant wed to a Syrian Roman soldier, discussing its history. This page also contains a discusion of how what we can learn from this tombstone is so important to understanding a key factor of large scale ancient empires: globalization.


A map of key settlements of Roman Britain along with discriptors of what each type of settlement's purpose is.


A three part discussion and analysis of how the economy of Roman Britain functioned. This page tackles how the geography of Roman Britain effected the normal way of life compared to Rome, how trade interconnected a landmass over a thousand miles away to the empire, and what resources might have compelled the Romans to conquer Britain to begin with.

Want to Go?

While relics of Rome exist throughout Britain, there are a handful of places you can go to see impressive pieces of Roman British life. Here are three suggestions for those who might wish to explore the past after exploring this page.

The British Museum

Image of the British Museum

What better place to explore the past than one of the largest ancient world museum collections of the modern day. To plan a visit to the British Museum, check out their website below:

The British Museum


Image of the Roman bath at Bath

Bath has a rich tie-in to Roman Britain and is home to a extremely well preserved Roman bathhouse, called a thermae. If learning more about a key facet of Roman life intrests you, be sure to schedule a tour below:

The Baths at Bath

Hadrian's Wall

Image of a Fort on Hadrian's Wall

By far the most well known structure of Roman Britian in the modern day, Hadrian's Wall is a sight to behold. Tour across its various forts while learning about its extensive history by scheduling a tour below:

Hadrian's Wall

References and Resourses