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Due to the sparatic nature of Roman history, each point of this timeline is simplified to the key details of Roman history at the time. Since Britain became increasingly less relevant into the 3rd and 4th century, the points of these times have been further simplified save for the most details.

Critical Events

The Boudica Revolts

Click the bar above to hear Ep. 42 of "The Roman Informium: The Boudica Revolts"

The Initial Invasions

During the war in Gaul, Caesar learned about the Britions aid against the Romans. After inquiring merchants and ambassadors, he soon learned that Britain was home a large amounts of metal. If he could conquer the tribes there, the war effort in Gaul would be signifigantly easier. So Caesar set out with two legions to capture the landmass. He, however was unprepared for the army of the Britons, who had been informed by the very same merchants that the Romans intended to conquer their lands. The Romans, battered by storms and the British opposition, were forced to retreat from Britain and return home for repairs and repreperation. Caesar would later return to Britain, intending to fully conquer the lands this time by bringing five legions and a large amount of cavelry. This time, he successfully landed without much resistance and damage and set up a base camp in the Britonian lands. However after being met with an even larger army, indecicive battles, and attrition from the gurellia tactics of the tribes. He once again was forced out of the land, this time being able to strong arm the Britons into paying him yearly tribute to leave. It wasnt until Nero that Britain entered Roman rule.